Xibeikulasi Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section lies south of Xibeikulasi, Karamay City, Xinjiang. It was named by the No. 5 Team of the Regional Geological Survey Party of Xinjiang Bureau of Geology in 1966.
Lithology and Thickness
Volcanic Tuff, Volcaniclastics and Chert. Dominated by uneven interbeds of thick-bedded to massive tuffaceous sandstone and tuff, intercalated with tuffaceous sandy mudstone, tuffaceous siltstone and tuffaceous breccia, locally intercalated with a suite of pyroclastic rocks such as pudding rock, and with chert and bioclastic rock. Exposed thickness 2700−3416 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unknown: The contact relationships with the underlying strata are unclear. Regionally, the uppermost formation of the underlying Devonian is the Honguleleng Fm
Upper contact
Unknown: The contact relationships with the overlying strata are unclear. Fault contact to the overlying Halaalate Fm.
Regional extent
Distributed only along Zhayier Mt. and Mayili Mt. of western Junggar, where the related structural bodies include the volcaniclastic-rich Tailegula Fm and Baogutu Fm. The Tailegula Fm is composed of gray tuff, chert and pillow basalt, several thousands of meters thick, and yielding radiolarians such as Entactinia spp. The Baogutu Fm is dominated by tuffaceous flysch deposits, yielding brachiopods of the Dewuan Age
The bottom contains Brachiopods Avonia sp., Neospirifer sp., Martinia sp., Dielasma sp., Buxtonia sp., Cancrinella sp. and Rhipidomella sp.; Corals Pachyfavosites sp., Australophyllum sp., Amplexus sp. and Cladopora sp. as well as bivalves, bryozoans, crinoid stems, plant fragments, etc.
According to the Conodonts Gondolella donbassica, Neognathodus roundyi, and Gnathodus deffectus; Coral Zaphrentites, Brachiopod Balakhonia sp., etc., it should be of the early Late Carboniferous in age.
Depositional setting
Additional Information